Become a member and enjoy discounts on many classes and activities.
Membership costs $11 per year
Membership renewals are sent to all our members by email (or snail mail if an email address is not available) in June. If you haven't received a renewal by the end of June, please email our Secretary
[email protected] OR download the membership form below and bring it in to the House with your payment.
Membership costs $11 per year
Membership renewals are sent to all our members by email (or snail mail if an email address is not available) in June. If you haven't received a renewal by the end of June, please email our Secretary
[email protected] OR download the membership form below and bring it in to the House with your payment.
You can sign up as a new member or renew online;
please use the button below to sign up to the 'House in the Hub'. If you are a new member just put N/A in the membership number box.
please use the button below to sign up to the 'House in the Hub'. If you are a new member just put N/A in the membership number box.